I’ve been organizing my whole life. Even when I wasn’t organized, I helped others get organized. (Sometimes, it’s easier to help someone else than it is to help yourself.) I graduated from the University of Delaware with a Masters Degree in Education (Go Blue Hens!). Prior to that I was employed as a social worker. I learned a lot about life and how to put a plan into action. I become an expert in consulting with families and children and breaking goals down into attainable steps. Professional organizing is all about this!

A big part of who I am is thanks to my parents. My dad taught me the spirit of entrepreneurship. Anyone can start their own business, yet to be successful you need to work hard and have a can do mind set; when you get knocked down you must get right back up, it’s not for quitters. My mom taught me how to find the calm when you feel chaotic, how to take a breath and find your way back. She instilled in me the benefits of restoring order to my home and life. My mom is truly the original Mrs. Clean. She always taught me to do that one minute thing (or five minute thing) right now! Wipe up as you go, fold the clothes and put them away (rather than leave them in the dryer, like a monkey on your back) and take a few minutes at the beginning or end of the day to put things back in their place.
When I became a single parent with two young children, my mom kept me motivated to purge, declutter and get organized. She always said, “Isn’t your house ‘lighter’? Don’t you feel better?” It was true!! IT FELT AMAZING!! I felt calm. I could find things. I stopped wasting money repurchasing things I already had, but couldn’t find. My mental clutter was reduced when my physical surroundings were organized. Now I help my clients ‘feel lighter’. They realize when you clear your environment, you clear your mind, your heart and your soul which brings life-altering transformation.

I have learned many lessons from grief and loss. Nothing prepares you for the loss of a child. In 2012, I lost my 21 year old son, Jeffrey, in a car accident. I struggled to deal with this. The grief felt three dimensional; my world lost all color. To get me through, I remembered how lucky I was to have him in my life at all. I would feel the sorrow, cry every tear, then force myself to think of something about him that made me smile or laugh. This kept me focused on what was important…the time we DID have together. I learned the measure of your grief, is NOT a measure of your love. I know when you heal your environment, you heal your heart. During this time, I wasn’t my usual organized self and over the years, I had to make decisions about what to do with his belongings. To say it’s hard, is an understatement, yet I’ve learned strategies which helped, and I share these with my clients.
I live in Delaware with my dogs, Tessa, a Yellow Lab, and Minnie, a rescue (who may or may not be part Pit Bull, who knows?!). My oldest, Michael, lives in Connecticut with his wife, Megan. they blessed me with my first grandchild, Hadley Olivia, in November! My daughter, Morgan, and her husband, Rocco, live in northern Delaware with my grand-dog, Cooper.
I am a member of the National Association of Productivity and Organizational Professionals (NAPO) and the National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM). I hold NAPO certificates in Residential Organizing, Life Transitions, Team Productivity, Workplace Productivity and Household Management. I have a lifelong love of learning and enjoy finding new ways to get even better at helping you!